Someone once told me to prepare for what you want in life.  I took this information by creating space for what I wanted in my life.
If you want a husband or significant other, you will need to sleep in one side of your bed to make space for your mate, not the middle.  You will need to park on one side of the garage.
If you want a child, you will need to prepare your body to hold a child.  Start eating healthy and exercising more.  Some people may need to lose a couple pounds.
If you want to start a business, make a space in your home to operate and prepare for your business.  It could be a cabinet in your kitchen if you like to cook.  It could be a desk, if you need to use a computer for a tech company.
If you want be successful.  Start making time to put some successful thought in your mind.  You can start telling yourself what you want by writing yourself a little positive note. “I am successful” “I enjoy cooking”
These are some tips that I hope will help someone, learn a little about themselves.
Thank you for taking the time to read this post.